This update is going to focus on something unrelated to life for a change. Also, this post will not have any photo associated due to iCloud for Windows resorting to nagware pop-ups. I encounter pop-ups even during full-screen video games which infuriated me enough to fully uninstall the application. Now the only way I can get pictures on my PC is finding a sync method (like I used to do with iTunes) or.. Read More
Let’s Talk About Motivation
The concept of motivation is quite powerful. It’s not just the name of a TI song which resonated with me back in 2004. Motivation is the force that pushes. Motivation causes action–you can liken it as the potential energy behind the kinetic energy. It is your fire within. In its essence, motivation is the reason most of us get up every morning. It’s the reason why we strive for our goals and reach.. Read More
Something About It Pouring When It Rains…
So a few weeks back, the garage door opened in the afternoon. Nothing out of the usual–I assumed my wife got home from work early. My wife was not home. I checked my Nest camera and she never came back, yet sure enough, the garage door opened. It proceeded to close and open a few more times. Clearly, shenanigans were afoot. First thing I thought, there must be bad wire connections between my.. Read More
TFW Your Dryer Breaks
So, let’s talk about laundry. Laundry is a chore, meaning there is never really a good time for it. You have to do it, so you make time for it. In my case, I made time before work as I have the privilege of working at home. So I shove my full load of laundry in my washer and wait for the alert that it finishes so I can migrate the load to.. Read More