The Cathartic Nature of the “Night Drive”

This pandemic lockdown sucks. Really. It’s the worst. The lockdown, at first, was a relief. Mandatory work from home? Wow, as an introvert, this sounds perfect! No more shoulder taps from coworkers asking for help or complaining. To be honest, it was nice at first, until I realized my wife was stuck working at home also, meaning I actually will never experience solitude. Then the governor began relieving the city little by little… Read More

Back to Blogging in October 2020

It’s been a long, long time since I have blogged. The last time I truly recall is around 2006 using, which I am impressed is still floating around these days. I actually tried to revive my old LJ but it was unsurprisingly purged.. I believe I pulled off all of my blog posts using an app called ljarchive as my words were more important than anything else. Perhaps some time I will.. Read More